
Check out some quick links to help you move around the MetaFuro Australia site and quickly find what you need.

Meet MetaFuro

We have handy links to help you find information relating to Australian product design and manufacturing to help you get started with your procurement and product process.

metafuro design

Bring your products to market

Suppliers for creating your product

Find out more about finding suppliers and maintaining relationships here!

Making products in Australia provides a competitive edge with customers looking to buy more locally made products.

Suppliers in Australia

Quality international suppliers are great to help Australian brands scale and build their business.

Suppliers in China

suppliers for metafuro

Glossary of Industry Terms

We know there are a lot of industry specific terms, acronyms and abbreviations so we have put together a Glossary to help you learn more about them.

MetaFuro Resources

At MetaFuro we want you to easily make products people love, We’ve included some handy resources to help you do this below.